Block Chain & Smart Contracts

16 Feb 2017

The technology

In the past years, blockchain and smart contract technology has attracted substantial investments from both, established companies as well as venture capital firms. A fast growing number of startups is exploring the dispruptive potential the technology bears.
At its core, the technology combines a pratically immutable transaction history with self executing contract enforcements functions. By taking out a series of middle man and an increased use of collaterals, the technology has the potential to dramatically decreases transaction costs, and especially the contract enforcement costs. 
Block chain and smart contracts hold the promise to constitute the next big wave in the digitalisation process of the economy. We call it the contractual web.
As blockchain and smarts contracts systems and all of its variations and facettes are still in its infancy a precise and careful assessment of the technology is key to success. We apply our long-standing experience in banking sytems and application development to devise fundamentally new systems. 


As one important area of application, block chain and smart contract technology offers a unique opportunity to redraw the interaction between a company and their investors.

With our trustwise smartshares project we aim to secure the share registry and share transaction for non-listed companies on the block chain. Our first market is Switzerland and our system is compliant with Swiss Corporate Law.

Our target market are medium size corporations with a broad shareholder structure as well as startups.

Our first implementation is build on the Ethereum platform. 

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